Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Flu!

I think my feeling of being out of balance was a precursor to the flu.  I came down with the flu Monday afternoon. I hadn't felt well all day at work and thought that going to the gym would help me feel better. I went to the gym after work and got 45 minutes of cardio in, but it was a huge struggle. After leaving the gym, I  felt worse and worse and ended up with all of the full blown flu symptoms within an hour of arriving home. The fatigue and achiness that came with the flu were pretty intense.  I wasn't able to go to work, log my diet or to work out for two days and don't want to know what this will do to my progress in the Challenge.  I wasn't able to eat a whole lot of anything except some liquids and a little cottage cheese.  I plan to get back on track tomorrow and am looking forward to the nutrition class and the education benefits being in this program gives me.

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